The most important mass media in Brazil performed an outstanding journalistic coverage of the recent edition of the AVACI International Congress, held from May 2 to May 5 in the city of Río de Janeiro.
The newspapers with the largest circulation in the country, such as O Globo and Folha de Sao Paulo, the magazine Carta Capital and the websites Tela Viva, Filme B, Exibidor, Reino Literário, Cinema Para Sempre, JP Revistas, Revista de Cinema, New Mag, LuLacerda, Ze Ronaldo, Ailton Pitombo and A Mais Influente, published articles and photos of the most important audiovisual authors encounter in the world.
In such posts, the different media highlighted the magnitude of the meeting and focused on the struggle of Brazilian audiovisual authors, screenwriters and directors to achieve a remuneration right law which may allow them to collect for the public exhibition of their audiovisual works.
In the event, organized by AVACI together with DBCA (Brazilian Film and Audiovisual Directors), in association with GEDAR (Management of Screenwriters Authors’ Rights), ideas and proposals were discussed and progress was made concerning key aspects on audiovisual authors’ rights from different parts of the world.